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Best to do in Venice

There are numerous things to do in Venice, here you find selected some unmissable destinations that you should visit.


Visit the Bridge of Sighs

Perhaps Venice’s most famous architectural jewel, the Bridge of Sighs is situated in the city centre near the Piazza San Marco. Its name derives from history: it was, indeed, part of the Doge’s Palace prison complex, and it was the last thing convicts saw before their incarceration, so many sighs could be heard as they walked through the bridge, resigning themselves to their fate. Today, the bridge has a much happier mood, with millions passing by each year to look at its beautiful design.


Bridge of Sighs


Visit the "Ghetto"

Visiting the Jewish district in Venice is one of the top things for visitors to do in the city. It was the world’s first ghetto, established in 1516 when the Venetian Republic restricted Jewish people to this area of the city. Today the placed is inhabited by the Jewish population in the area, with numerous synagogues, Jewish restaurants, delicious bakeries and a museum. The area represents a fascinating source of culture and history.

Venetian Ghetto


Piazza San Marco

Three of Venice’s most important monuments are located in this square: the Basilica San Marco, the Torre dell'Orologio, and the Doge’s Palace. This piazza is itself a masterpiece and visitors who go to Venice in autumn or wintertime, might even see it flooded, with wooden platforms set up to let people move around. There are numerous cafés and restaurants around the edge, that's why this place is the perfect place to relax and take in the local culture.

Aperitivo time 

Do as the Venetians do and go for an aperitivo! Go to bars to order a drink and eat some "Cicchetti" (snacks), a quick and authentic Italian way of having some food before dinner. The traditional aperitivo drinks are made with Campari and Aperol, and there are three main options: Negroni, Spritz and Americano. You can also try one of Venice’s rooftop bars: the Skyline Bar has a great panorama, or if you prefer a more informal setting, go to the Osteria Dell’Arco which is frequented by locals and known in Venice for its delicious bar snacks.

Piazza San Marco


Climb the Campanile

For an amazing view of Venice, you can take the elevator to the top of the Campanile that was completed in 912 and it is the tallest building in Venice, actually one of the oldest too. So, visitors, today can see pretty much the same tower that Venetians saw over 1000 years ago. You also can see the Dolomites mountains during clear days.

Take a Ferry to Murano, Burano and Torcello

Murano, Burano and Torcello are the three most famous islands near Venice. Murano is famous for its beautiful glass, Burano for its lace, and Torcello for its cathedral. Visitors can take a tour of one of the glass-blowing factories and shop for pretty glass products at Murano. Burano's lace, meanwhile, was taken to be the most exquisite in the entire continent, and the island is a cute mini-replica of Venice. In Torcello, the cathedral was built in the 7th century and the ruins of its baptistery are a striking example of Byzantine art. You can tour all the three beautiful places in one day or choose to explore them one by one. 

Venetian islands


Don't miss the cuisine 

Venetian cuisine is known around Italy, especially because of the high quality of seafood in the area. The lagoon is a local source of fish that are freshly caught each day and served in many restaurants. Baccalà Mantecato is one of the most typical fish dishes, consisting of dried, salted blended with garlic, parsley, potatoes and cream to make a delicious mousse. Goose, meatballs and lobster are just a few of the other delicacies you can taste in Venice. The Veneto region is also known for its white wine, with some of the best vineyards in all of Italy.

Go Shopping

Enjoy the Rialto markets, where fresh food is sold each day or if you are crazy for fashion, go shopping for the Italian classics such as leather shoes and handbags and cashmere, that you can find in many different shops throughout the city. Venetian masks can also be a good gift or memento from the trip.


Grand Canal

It has been the main routes in Venice, full of merchants’ ship and today it is still a high transited waterway that runs through the centre of Venice, from the railway station to San Marco. On the sides stand the beautiful "palazzi", think that the famous Casanova lived in one these, which were initially built as business hubs by the city’s merchants. The water bus is a great way of exploring this canal, but water taxis are also available, as well as the typical Venetian "gondolas".



Art Museums

The Peggy Guggenheim Museum hosts the most influential European and American artists of the 20th century and is visited daily by hundreds of people.
It is located on the Grand Canal and it is very easy to reach. Napoleon was responsible for the creation of this beautiful museum, not only because he closed churches all over Venice and took their artwork, but also because he set up the "Accademia Di Belle Arti" at this location and established that it should be a gallery as well as a school.